A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing

Email was the first way we started communicating on the Internet, and it remains just as important today. Now with an increase in social media engagement, email marketing is still vital to retain this audience on a more personable level. Audiences more than ever before, use emails to keep in touch with brands and be […]

Marketing Automation: 5 Things I wish I’d Known Earlier!

Now that marketing automation is more accessible for businesses of all sizes, it’s time to start taking advantage of emails to captivate your audience with fresh content. Even with the prevalence of social media, email marketing remains a valuable source for providing your audience with updates. One of the biggest myths of marketing automation is […]

8 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Marketing Automation Should Watch!

Marketing automation takes a lot of time and energy. Numerous factors like psychology, consumerism, entrepreneurship, creativity, economics, and networking play key roles in successful marketing. Marketers needs to be well-rounded, in-tune with current trends, and focused on treating consumers like humans rather than potential leads. Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) Talks are useful because these […]

Why We Love Marketing Automation (And You Should Too!)

Whether you are trying to gain more subscribers to your email list or you want to increase the viewership on your blog, marketing automation is a necessity for every modern business. Small company owners and large corporations are realizing marketing automation is key to managing an engaged customer base, but why is it so great […]